Friday, May 28, 2021

building marshmallow towers.

 This week with koka kaciy my group built marshmallow tower we were competing for the highest tower.

The part that I enjoyed the most was  eating the spaghetti. 

I found it hard to stick the spaghetti in the marshmallows.

If I did this again I would try to help a bit more.


Friday, May 14, 2021

Our class block run

This week our class went for a run a round the block yesterday.

The part that I enjoyed the most was jogging with my friends.

I found it hard to run the whole way.

If I did this again I would start running at home to get more fit.


My learning wk2 badminton tournament.

 This week I went to the inter school badminton tournament,at the badminton hall. 

The part that I enjoyed the most was everything!!!! It was so fun.

I found it hard to play against te wharau. 

If I did this again I would try to talk more to my teammates.